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Chinese Name:广东省商业保理协会
English Name:Guangdong Factors Association

Chinese Introduction

东省商业保理协会,成立于2015年1月31日,是依照国家有关法律、法规,在相关主管部门的支持和指导下,由具有法人资格的商业保理公司及相关经济组织自愿发起组建的行业性、联合性、非营利性的行业自律组织。 协会下设行业自律委员会、专家委员会、法律与风控委员会、标准化委员会等10个专委会,设有保理和供应链金融创新研究院,保理和供应链金融产业学院,前海商业保理仲裁中心,律协保理纠纷调解室,法院诉调对接中心,广州、南沙、前海、横琴、越秀、东莞、佛山商业保理服务中心等10余个工作机构。拥有广州市商业保理行业协会、深圳市商业保理协会两家团队会员,三协会实行会员互认、资源共享。

English Introduction

Established on January 31, 2015, the commercial factoring Association of Shandong Province is an industrial, joint and non-profit industrial self-discipline organization voluntarily initiated and established by commercial factoring companies with legal personality and relevant economic organizations under the support and guidance of relevant competent departments in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. The association has 10 professional committees, including industry self-discipline Committee, expert committee, law and risk control committee and Standardization Committee. It also has factoring and Supply Chain Financial Innovation Research Institute, factoring and supply chain financial industry college, Qianhai commercial factoring Arbitration Center, factoring dispute correction mediation room of the association of lawyers, court litigation and mediation docking center, Guangzhou, Nansha, Qianhai, Hengqin, Yuexiu, Dongguan Foshan commercial factoring service center and more than 10 working institutions. It has two team members of Guangzhou commercial factoring industry association and Shenzhen commercial factoring Association. The three associations implement mutual recognition and resource sharing.