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Chinese Name:哈啰单车
English Name:Hellobike

Chinese Introduction

上海钧正网络科技有限公司 哈啰是国内专业的本地出行及生活服务平台,致力于应用数字技术的红利,为人们提供更便捷的出行以及更好的普惠生活服务。公司成立于2016年9月,总部位于上海,从大家熟悉的共享单车业务起步。目前哈啰主要提供移动出行服务及新兴本地服务,其中,移动出行服务包括两轮共享服务(哈啰单车、哈啰助力车)和四轮出行服务(哈啰顺风车、哈啰打车);新兴本地服务包括自主品牌哈啰电动车,与蚂蚁集团、宁德时代合资建立的小哈换电,以及租车服务聚合平台哈啰租车等。截至2022年4月底,哈啰已拥有5.5亿注册用户。

English Introduction

Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology Co., Ltd Hello is a professional local travel and life service platform in China, dedicated to applying the dividend of digital technology to provide people with more convenient travel and better inclusive life services. The company was founded in September 2016, headquartered in Shanghai, and started from the familiar bicycle sharing business. Currently, halo mainly provides mobile travel services and emerging local services, among which, mobile travel services include two wheel sharing services (halo bicycle and halo bicycle) and four wheel travel services (halo hitchhiker and halo taxi); Emerging local services include self owned brand Haro electric vehicle, xiaoha Power Exchange jointly established with ant group and Ningde times, and car rental service aggregation platform Haro car rental. By the end of April 2022, harrow had 550 million registered users.