Chinese Name:立根融资租赁有限公司
English Name:Legend Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Chinese Introduction
立根融资租赁有限公司(以下简称“立根租赁”)是由广州金融控股集团有限公司发起设立并全资控股的中外合资融资租赁公司,于2013年3月28日正式开业运营,现股东为广州金控资本管理有限公司和广永财务有限公司。公司目前注册资本为人民币8亿元,2015年内将增至30亿元,并计划3年内增至50亿元。公司面向全国展业,总部注册于广州南沙自贸区,并在上海自贸区设立控股子公司。公司是广州融资租赁产业联盟常务副理事长单位和广州外商投资企业协会类金融专业委员会常务副会长单位。 立根租赁主营业务范围是:融资租赁业务、租赁业务、向国内外购买租赁财产、租赁财产的残值处理及维修、租赁交易咨询和担保。此外,公司还兼营与主营业务有关的商业保理业务。 立根租赁的设立是广州金融控股集团不断完善金融产业链条、大力拓展金融业务领域的重要举措和成果。公司将秉持“立足金融、根植实业”的理念,充分依托广州金融控股集团作为金融控股平台的综合优势,团结拼搏、务实进取,积极探索产融结合、全力服务实体经济,力争用3至5年的时间发展成为国内有特色、有影响力的融资租赁企业。为满足公司发展需要,我们诚招社会优秀人才加盟,共同打造立根租赁美好的明天。
English Introduction
Ligen Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.is a Sino foreign joint venture financial leasing company initiated and established by Guangzhou Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. and wholly controlled by it. It was officially opened for operation on March 28, 2013. Its current shareholders are Guangzhou financial holding Capital Management Co., Ltd. and Guangyong Finance Co., Ltd. The current registered capital of the company is 800 million yuan, which will increase to 3 billion yuan in 2015 and is planned to increase to 5 billion yuan in three years. The company is oriented to the national exhibition industry. Its headquarters is registered in Guangzhou Nansha Free Trade Zone, and a holding subsidiary is set up in Shanghai free trade zone. The company is the executive vice chairman unit of Guangzhou financial leasing industry alliance and the executive vice chairman unit of the financial professional committee of Guangzhou Association of foreign invested enterprises. The main business scope of Ligen leasing is: financial leasing business, leasing business, purchase of leased property from home and abroad, residual value treatment and maintenance of leased property, leasing transaction consultation and guarantee. In addition, the company also operates commercial factoring business related to its main business. The establishment of Ligen leasing is an important measure and achievement of Guangzhou financial holding group to continuously improve the financial industry chain and vigorously expand the financial business field. The company will adhere to the concept of ""based on finance and rooted in industry"", fully rely on the comprehensive advantages of Guangzhou financial holding group as a financial holding platform, work hard in unity, be pragmatic and enterprising, actively explore the integration of industry and finance, fully serve the real economy, and strive to develop into a domestic characteristic and influential financial leasing enterprise in 3 to 5 years.