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Chinese Name:广东省黄金协会
English Name:Gold Association of Guangdong Province

Chinese Introduction

广东省黄金协会于1994年2月正式成立,是由全省从事黄金及其它贵金属珠宝首饰包括:地质勘探、采冶、科研、生产、加工、批发、零售、检测、设计、科研、投资等企事业单位、产业集群、行业协(商)会自愿组成的具有法人资格的社会团体,是全省性、行业性、自律性、非营利性的社团组织。 经省民政厅批准,我会为省黄金珠宝首饰类行业协(商)会中唯一一家获5A等级的社会组织。 经省质监局批准,我会为省贵金属标准化技术委员会秘书处的承担单位。 我会受海关总署和中国黄金协会的委托,承担海关总署有关珠宝行业加工贸易单耗标准和研究课题的编制工作。 我会受省人民政府地方志办公室委托,负责“广东省贵金属珠宝玉石首饰行业地方志”年报资料的编写工作。 我会是省名牌评审委员会及省著名商标评审委员会委员单位。

English Introduction

Gold association of Guangdong province was established in February 1994, is by the province engaged in gold and other precious metal jewelry, including: geological prospecting, mining and metallurgy, scientific research, production, processing, wholesale, retail, test, scientific research, design, investment and other enterprises and institutions, industrial cluster, industry association (commercial) voluntarily of social organizations with legal person qualification, is the province, industry self-discipline, non-profit social organizations. With the approval of the provincial civil affairs department, Our association will be the only social organization in the current guangdong gold and jewelry industry association that has obtained the 5A level. With the approval of the provincial quality supervision bureau, Our association will be the responsible unit of the secretariat of the provincial precious metal standardization technology committee. Our association will be entrusted by the general administration of customs and the China gold association to undertake the preparation of the general administration of customs on the consumption standards and research subjects related to the processing trade of jewelry industry.