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Chinese Name:广州广电运通金融电子股份有限公司
English Name:GRGBanking Equipment Co., Ltd.

Chinese Introduction

广电运通创立于1999年,隶属于广州无线电集团,是国有控股的高科技上市企业(证券代码:002152)。公司是领先的人工智能行业应用企业,主营业务覆盖智能金融、公共安全、智能交通、数字政府、大文旅、新零售及智慧教育等领域,为全球客户提供具有竞争力的智能终端、运营服务及大数据解决方案。 公司从国内金融自助设备起步,凭借多年来积累的场景落地能力、技术研发、供应链等优势,始终坚持以客户为中心,聚焦金融科技和城市智能两条主线,布局算法、算力、数据、场景四大人工智能要素协同发展,以科技赋能传统产业升级。同时,以aiCore System大数据底座平台为核心,以“智能终端+大数据”的路径实现价值闭环,构筑万物互联的数字经济生态。

English Introduction

GRGBanking is a well-known provider in the intelligent finance industry, and aims to become a leading innovative solutions provider in the world with its innovative technologies and solutions. Leveraging in-depth knowledge of innovative technology and applicable scenarios, GRGBanking builds solutions with high value, short deployment times and cost efficiency for its customers. GRGBanking was founded in Guangzhou, China in 1999, and was listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange market in 2007. Since 2008, GRGBanking has been the No.1 ATM supplier in China, and now GRGBanking is within the Top 3 vendors in the financial self-service industry worldwide with more than 330,000 terminals deployed in over 100 countries.