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Chinese Name:交通银行股份有限公司广东省分行
English Name:Bank of Communications

Chinese Introduction

交通银行始建于1908年,是中国历史最悠久的银行之一。成立当年,交通银行在粤设立机构,为总行最早建立的四家分行之一。1987年10月,重组后的交通银行广州分行试营业,2009年更名为交通银行广东省分行。 交通银行广东省分行深入贯彻党中央、国务院及省委省政府部署要求,把握新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,服务新发展格局,深度融入粤港澳大湾区及横琴、前海合作区建设,聚焦广东建设科技创新强省、制造强省、贸易强省、数字广东,持续加大先进制造业、战略新兴产业、普惠民生等金融供给,逐步在产业链、跨境服务、城市更新、乡村振兴、绿色金融、数字政务等领域,形成具有交行特色的金融模式。先后获评广东省五一劳动奖状、省政府金融创新奖、最具影响力国有银行、最佳金融科技银行、广东省脱贫攻坚先进集体等荣誉。

English Introduction

Bank of communications was founded in 1908,which is one of the oldest banks in China, with a history of 111 years. The business scope of BOCOM covers commercial banks, securities, trust, financial leasing, fund management, insurance, offshore financial services, etc. At present, BOCOM has 238 branches and 3241 business outlets in China, as well as many wholly-owned or holding subsidiaries such as bocom leasing, BOCOM insurance, BOCOM Guoxin, etc., and has 23 branches (subsidiaries) and representative offices in 17 countries and regions. The strategy of ""two modernizations and one bank"" is annotated with new connotation. It adheres to ""take the road of internationalization and integration, build the best wealth management bank"", strive to create the common value of finance and customers, and realize the virtuous cycle of finance and real economy.