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Chinese Name:广州巨杉软件开发有限公司
English Name:Guangzhou SequoiaDB Software Development Co., Ltd.

Chinese Introduction

巨杉数据库是一家专注于新一代分布式数据库产品研发的国产基础软件厂商。2017年成为最早进入Gartner数据库魔力象限报告的中国厂商,并连续多年进入Gartner、IDC、福布斯、毕马威等国际知名权威报告。 10年来,巨杉数据库深耕金融行业,聚焦于利用分布式数据库解决海量数据的存储和管理,已在超过100家金融银行客户规模化上线使用,全面覆盖国有银行、股份制银行、省级农信、城商行、保险、证券等金融客户。典型客户包括:中国银行、中国民生银行、广发银行、广东省农信等。 巨杉数据库核心团队成员主要来自于前IBM DB2北美研发团队和华为分布式储存团队,天生具备企业级基因,同时引入包括阿里在内的国内创新型企业人才,是业界最顶尖的企业级分布式数据库团队。核心研发及技术支持中心分布在广州、深圳、北京等地,更设立位于多伦多的北美数据库实验室,与全球顶尖研究机构形成前沿学术生态。

English Introduction

SequoiaDB is a database provider specialized in distributed database. As a company of independent research and development, we undertake the mission to help data thrive and increase in value. Our aspiration is to become a global leader in the database industry. Since the establishment in 2011, SequoiaDB has built a native distributed database engine from scratch and has been positioned in Gartner's report for three consecutive years, making us the beacon for mainstream database systems of the new generation. SequoiaDB is a financial-grade distributed database. More than 100 major banks and financial institutions have their core business activities powered by us. Over 1,000 enterprise users are supported by our services in a great diversity of scenarios, including distributed online transactions, data middle platform, distribution content management and real-time data management, etc.