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Chinese Name:广州农村商业银行股份有限公司
English Name:Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Company Limited

Chinese Introduction

广州农村商业银行股份有限公司(简称广州农商银行)前身是1952年成立的广州农村信用社,2009年12月改制为农商行,2017年6月香港挂牌上市。全行拥有12家中心支行、6家分行,分支机构635家,其中广州地区617家,数量位列广州地区首位;辖下有子公司30家,分布在8省1市,其中金融租赁公司1家、控股农商银行4家、珠江村镇银行25 家,获得信用卡专营牌照。广州农村商业银行始终紧紧围绕市委、市政府中心工作,全面坚持和加强党对企业的领导,以“成为国内一流商业银行”为愿景目标,坚守支农支小发展定位,坚持服务实体经济本职本分,坚决落实国家乡村振兴战略、金融支持实体经济的决策部署,稳妥推进组织架构、选人用人、全面风险管控、薪酬与绩效考核四大改革创新措施,统筹推进疫情防控和改革发展,全面提升金融服务效率和水平,为服务构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展贡献金融力量。

English Introduction

Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GRCBANK), originally known as Guangzhou Rural Credit Union, was founded in 1952. It was restructured into a rural commercial bank in December 2009 and was listed in Hong Kong in June 2017. The bank has 12 central sub-branches and 6 branches with 635 affiliates, including 617 in Guangzhou, the number of which ranks first in Guangzhou. Moreover, it has 30 subsidiaries distributed in 8 provinces and 1 city, among which there is 1 financial leasing company, 4 rural shareholding commercial banks and 25 rural banks in Zhujiang with exclusive licenses for credit cards.