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Lingnan Financial Culture Ambassador Competition

Lingnan Financial Culture Ambassador Competition is one of the important activities of Guangzhou Finance to promote the comprehensive strength of urban culture. Since the first session was held in 2020, it has been successfully held for three sessions, and its influence in the financial industry has been expanding, and it has become an important platform for major financial institutions to communicate and interact, enhance friendship and the construction of corporate culture. Since the launch of the preliminary competition on April 1, it received 77 entries from 55 financial institutions, and online voting has reached more than 1 million times, and the influence and attention of the activities are increasing day by day. According to the online voting situation during the preliminary round, Lingnan Financial Culture Redman Award and related institutional awards were also awarded at the final.


《在灿烂阳光下》 上海浦东发展银行广州分行

《侨·亿》 招商银行广州分行

《百年征程 家国情怀》 中国光大银行广州分行

《岭南金融,一舞千年》 华南师范大学

《历史照映未来——从海上丝绸之路到粤港澳大湾区》 广州金融控股集团有限公司 广州生物工程中心

《筑梦湾区心相联 服务万家担使命》 万联证券股份有限公司

《传承红色基因,助力乡村振兴》 广州农村商业银行

《赓续保险红色血脉 守护湾区美好生活》 中国人寿保险股份有限公司广州市分公司

《粤澳携手同舟,共济星辰大海》 澳门国际银行广州分行

《敢为人先,砥砺前行》 广发银行广州分行

《荔枝红了》 中国农业银行广州分行

《与您同行》 明珠数字科技股份有限公司

《我们的时代》 广州开发区控股集团有限公司 粤开证券股份有限公司

《薪火传承百十载 “数币”赋能向未来》 中国银行广州分行

《岭南金融时代感》 中国建设银行广州分行

《岭南金融交行说》 交通银行广东省分行

《岭南春晓》 广东华兴银行

《以青春之名,赴时代之约》 广州银行

《礼赞红棉精神 传扬金融使命》 中国工商银行广州分行
